Wednesday, November 4, 2009

About being positive

One of the things we were worried about when we started this project - was that the amount of crime being reported could actually just serve to depress us all.

Crime is ugly and depressing in nature and not a nice topic, but when something is happening so frequently and so violently, it's no wonder it becomes the first topic of conversation at any braai or social occasion.

But getting together and just focussing on the negativity of crime is kind of like getting together and just moaning about our broken down cars, but not trying to fix them. If something is broken, just complaining about it won't get it fixed. We need to start finding solutions together for the crime and get involved.

The police services are ill equipped and under heavy pressure, and by being more crime aware and vigilant for ourselves and others, we can start making ourselves less of a target and make it harder for criminals.

So it's not about being negative about the crime, its about being positive about our country.

We are all so different and varied in South Africa, but we are one heck of a beautiful country - the people and the land itself. But crime is making us negative and less open hearted to our fellow South Africans.

Criminals do NOT define the profile of the people in South Africa - they are a small minority causing a huge problem. And we are letting them do it if we just sit back and complain about it.

The one common thing that brings people together is a unified cause. Like fighting the oppression of apartheid brought people together.

Well people, lets get positive, we have a common challenge, use crime and other issues of the country to bring us together.

Lets be positive about one another and about ending the crime. It can be done.

Incredible response to Crime Aware!

Based on the response we have had so far, this website has been welcomed by many South Africans and forums combatting crime.

We are experiencing around 2500 unique visitors to the website daily, which is really impressive for a website that is only a few days old!

So many new suggestions are pouring in on what new features and improvements users would like to see.
Many of these we can add in and fix bugs on the go, but some of the bigger requests will take time to implement. But we consider every request sent in. So keep them coming.

Lets make South Africa crime free together - lets take back the streets, block by block and let the criminals know that they have no place in our society.